Avancer grâce à un accompagnement personnalisé

Prepare and launch

At Smart Tourisme, we offer you personalized support at every stage of your tourism project. From conception to implementation, including ongoing monitoring, our expertise is at your service to ensure the success of your initiative. With tailor-made support, we help you turn your ideas into concrete, successful projects, thus contributing to the dynamism of the tourism sector in the Souss Massa region.

Critères d'éligibilité SDR TPMET - Création d'entreprise

Types of businesses created :

Types of support provided by SDR TPME for tourism :

We begin each coaching program with an entrepreneurial diagnosis. This assessment of the capabilities of entrepreneurs or project leaders, as well as of their company or project, is based on collective intelligence. Conducted jointly by the players and support staff, this dialogue and evaluation session helps to identify strengths and specific needs. Then, an in-depth analysis of needs and expectations is carried out for each company, enabling us to propose solutions tailored to your profile and your project.

Exchanging ideas about the challenges you face is a weight off your shoulders, while the ideas and solutions proposed by our experts enrich your ability to act. This allows you to manage your day-to-day life more serenely and move towards your goals more quickly. Smart Tourisme’s priority is to provide you with all the support you need to make your life easier.

In addition, a workshop dedicated to entrepreneurs is organized to assess the entrepreneurial skills of each new project owner. That way, you can make an informed decision about whether to embark on the human adventure of entrepreneurship.

Secondly, S.M.A.R.T. Tourisme is committed to providing you with all the essential information on the key aspects of setting up a business, such as :

You benefit from :

This kind of support offers a number of advantages, including the opportunity to question your project, benefit from the viewpoint of an experienced professional, and above all save time so you can concentrate fully on your product. At the same time, we offer awareness-raising sessions on tourism entrepreneurship to a variety of audiences.

Maximisez le potentiel de votre entreprise avec nous.