For entrepreneurs and managers seeking success

We support you in a process of transformation, also known as “innovation management”, to maximize opportunities and achieve optimum performance for your tourism business. Thanks to our expertise, we help companies innovate and develop in the tourism sector. For more information on our approach to transformation, visit our dedicated section: Transformation.

Critères d'éligibilité SDR TPMET - Transformation SDR

The steps in our transformation strategy are designed to guide your small or medium-sized tourism business towards lasting success.

Our strategy encompasses the broad outlines of the project to be implemented, including :

Transformation strategy puts people at the center, because of the psychological and social stakes involved. This process requires the involvement of all human resources in a participative, empowering and collaborative approach. Management must mobilize teams, facilitate acceptance of change, anticipate and reduce resistance, restore meaning to work and promote collaboration. Their commitment is crucial, and we’re here to help you and your employees ensure that this change takes place under the best possible conditions. Support from S.M.A.R.T. Tourisme plays a key role in informing your employees, responding to their concerns, reassuring them and sharing your vision.

In addition to the human aspect, this approach requires effective, consistent project management. Our objectives are to minimize costs for the company and shorten transition times to limit the impact on budget and productivity.

Objectifs de la transformation de votre entreprise

Nos domaines d'expertise pour garantir le succès de vos projets incluent

Techniques employées


Our training programs dedicated to transformation are the fruit of a clear vision developed in collaboration with you, the business owner. They are consistent and aligned with your company’s specific needs, expectations and objectives. These programs are designed to ensure the efficiency and autonomy of our staff, while broadening their skills in a constantly changing environment. We precisely identify the individual needs of each member of your team, so that we can offer training tailored to both interpersonal and technical skills. Improved individual performance translates into better collective performance and real added value for your company. The commitment of your teams will be an essential driver of transformation.

Transformation also requires cross-functional methods and skills. Our teams at S.M.A.R.T. Tourisme have proven expertise in the design and management of complex transformation projects, requiring an agile approach. The transformation strategy will be co-constructed with you, taking into account your expectations and needs, while benefiting from the expertise of our teams.

Révélez la puissance intérieure de votre entreprise